Kidney Nutrition – Urine it to Win it

Kidney Nutrition – Urine it to Win itBy Clint Cullins, RDN, LDNBack in July, Dr. McGrath proposed the question “Are your kidneys healthy?”.  Hopefully this triggered some of us with

July 30th, 2024|

Water Safety

Water Safety By Dr. Rebecca Katzman We are lucky to live in close proximity to recreational bodies of water in and around Orofino. The Clearwater River, Dworshak Reservoir, and other

July 8th, 2024|

Celebrating Independence Day and PTSD

Celebrating Independence Day and PTSD By Michelle Sheffer, LMSW, BHC Independence Day is just around the corner! Many Americans’ feel excitement and look forward to the rush of adrenaline from

July 1st, 2024|

Summer Safety and Skin Protection

Charity Robinson, MD By Dr. Charity Robinson The summer weather is finally here, with long sunny days and some added heat. With all that sunshine we need to

June 25th, 2024|

Are your Kidney’s healthy?

Are you Kidney's healthy? By Dr. Kelly McGrath Our kidneys are vital to our health. They filter our blood continuously and if they stop working, we can become critically ill

June 10th, 2024|

Employee Spotlight

Employee Spotlight Meet Mary, Manager of Cardio Pulmonary & Sleep in our Cardio Pulmonary Department!  Mary started her career as a Respiratory Therapist at Clearwater Valley Health in 2005 and

June 4th, 2024|
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