Building Strong Communities
In collaboration with our community partners, we conducted Community Health Needs Assessments (CHNA). CHNA’s are part strategic plan and part grounding rod. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) requires tax-exempt hospitals to create a hospital community health needs assessment every three years.
These assessments included:
- Gathering health-related information from secondary data sources (e.g. Community Commons, Public Health Departments, etc.)
- Interviewing key health officials
- Conducting community health surveys to identify concerns within our communities
- Assessing the number of area-based programs and organizations that exist to address the community’s needs
The needs identified were then prioritized based on the level of importance to community members and the ability of our hospitals to make a significant impact. The results, reports and data can be accessed by exploring the dashboards below
In the coming years, we will continue to develop our community partnerships and deliver an exceptional experience through high-quality, accessible and affordable care. We welcome your thoughts on how we can create healthier communities together.