St. Mary’s Health – Craigmont Clinic – Flu Shot Clinic
As part of our commitment to keep members of our community safe & healthy, St. Mary's Health will offer a Flu Shot Clinic *ages 19 and over. Craigmont Clinic Thursday,
As part of our commitment to keep members of our community safe & healthy, St. Mary's Health will offer a Flu Shot Clinic *ages 19 and over. Craigmont Clinic Thursday,
Screenings Offered:A1C-DiabetesBlood PressureBMIFIT TestMood Score under 18 must have a parent consent.
Free Health Screening at Craigmont Medical Clinic~ Screenings Offered:A1C-DiabetesBlood PressureBMIFIT TestMood Score under 18 must have a parent consent.
See below for a complete list of "Walk The Prairie" Events!