Colleen Sholar, DOSpring is here, even if it’s got a light dusting of snow. For nature it’s a time of rebirth and growth so perhaps we should heed that suggestion and pay ourselves some attention by fostering growth ourselves and each other as much as in our gardens.

Physical health can be fostered in many ways. We should all ask ourselves “am I physically healthy?” I hope the answer is yes, but for many of us there something that’s been bothering you. Perhaps a pain or lump or new mole that doesn’t look quite right. Perhaps it’s a chronic health condition, like diabetes or heart disease, that you haven’t check in on recently. I encourage you to schedule time with your health care provider to discuss your concerns and get your annual wellness check.

Emotional health is just as important as physical health. Poor emotional health can cause many relationship and physical problems if unchecked. This is a time in our society with an outbreak of anxiety and depression, so if you find yourself experiencing this you are not alone, and I encourage you to reach out to your health care provider or a counseling service for suggestions on how you can help yourself or get help.

Season changes are a great time to look at our daily and weekly habits and consider if you want to make some changes. Is there a new exercise routine you would like to try? Can cut down or quit a bad habit like smoking or drinking or sodas? Maybe it’s time for family dinners to make a comeback. Do you need to declutter your life? Are you getting enough sleep?

How will you make the most of the season changes? How can you grow this spring?