Sue.jpgBy Sue Kangas, PA

Now that all our little ghosts and goblins have had their Halloween fun, it’s time to have a discussion about type 2 diabetes in our youths in America.

The rate of new cases of type two diabetes per the (CDC) Centers for Disease Control in the US in our youths younger than 20 years old has increased 4.8% in the past decade. It was almost unheard of for young children and teens to get type two diabetes. One third of American children are now overweight, which is directly related to this increase. Type 2 diabetes is a physiological response to abnormal behavior. In short this means it’s a diet disease. Type 2 diabetes does not have to plague our youth or anyone. Parents have the direct power in preventing this disease.

Prevention and reversing diabetes revolve around making lifestyle changes. Making the correct food choices and getting plenty of exercise are the key to prevention and reversing disease. Eating whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, millet, farro, barley and the list goes on, eating fresh or frozen fruits, vegetables, beans of all kinds, legumes, raw nuts, seeds and limiting or avoiding packaged and processed foods made with white sugar, fructose corn syrup, white flour and sugary beverages are the key to prevention and or reversing type two diabetes. If you’re experiencing in your family this trend of eating more processed versus whole foods, because they are quicker, and your children are spending more time with their electronic devices than they are getting exercise and socializing with others, then your children are at risk for getting type two diabetes.

It’s concerning to think that children are now being prescribed medication for a disease that is totally preventable. There are resources available to help learn how to make lifestyle changes. Visit one of Clearwater Valley Health’s clinics in Orofino or Pierce and have a discussion with your provider if you have concerns about diabetes in your children.