Welcome to yoga!

This class offers yoga as a natural process, combining simple movements, conscious breathing, and meditation to enhance our well-being and enjoyment of life.

Simply put, we do yoga to feel good; we work, but we don’t struggle. This yoga practice is practical, safe, and appropriate for most people.

Scientific studies demonstrate yoga’s effectiveness as a complementary therapy for conditions including: hypertension, diabetes, headaches, mood disorders, back pain, cardiovascular disease, inflammation, insomnia, anxiety and depression. It has also been proven that yoga will improve balance, strength and flexibility, increase energy, and help with stress management.

Yoga classes will be offered both in-person and virtually, twice a week, most Tuesdays and Thursdays:

  • Tuesdays from 5:30-6:45 pm
  • Thursdays from 1:30-2:45 pm

Private yoga lessons are also available. Please contact Sarah McGrath at 208-827-1800 for more information.

Class Guidelines

Class guidelines create a safe, serene, respectful, and welcoming environment;

they enhance individuals’ experiences, and promote unity in our group.

Creating this sense of comfort and safety promotes deep relaxation,

allowing participants to receive the full benefits which yoga offers.

Thank you for taking these guidelines to heart.

Class begins and ends on time.

You may arrive fifteen minutes before class begins.

This transition time provides a meaningful segway into class;

please enter quietly, take a restful pose, and drop into meditation.

Stay for the entire class.

It is disturbing to the group if people arrive late or leave early.

Standard size yoga mats (68 inches x 24 inches) are required.

Please bring your own mat which meets these specifications.

Do not strain or force any movement.

Struggling is contrary to the aims of yoga,

can result in injury, and can be disruptive to others in the class.

Modifications are always appropriate; you may rest at any time.

If you are consistently struggling, this class may not be appropriate for you.

Breathe normally.

The breath will be smooth, steady and barely audible.

Labored or erratic breathing indicates over-exertion, the need to modify your practice, and/or that this class may not be appropriate for you.

Practice good hygiene.

Come to class clean. Do not wear perfume or body sprays.

Please let me know if you have special needs, medical conditions or injuries which could affect your practice.

Class Options

In Person Class

    • Classes will be held in person in the large conference room at Orofino Health Center located at 1055 Riverside Ave.

Virtual TEAMS Class 

    • Yoga classes will be available virtually via TEAMS. There are two separate class links, one for Tuesday and another for Thursday.
    • Please follow the links below to access the classes via TEAMS:

      — Tuesday Classes

      — Thursday Classes

Private yoga lessons are also available. Please contact Sarah McGrath at 208-827-1800 for more information.

New students:

Prior to your first class, it is required that you fill out and return the Health Release form. You only need to fill out and return this form once.


  • The cost is $5 per class, both in person and virtual on TEAMS. Classes can be purchased in five-class bundles for $25, or ten-class bundles for $45 (this option provides one free class.) Yoga classes can be purchased from the CVH Business Office. Please call 208-476-4555 extension 8616 to buy classes with a credit card.
  • The teacher will track attendance and alert students when they need to purchase more classes.
  • If you are employed by CVH, SMH, Kootenai Health, or JSD 171, classes are free.

Please contact me with any questions or comments you may have. I can be reached by email at: sarah.mcgrath@kh.org or by phone at 208-827-1800.

Looking forward to moving and breathing together! ~ Sarah

Click on calendar image below to see full size schedule

Click the individual class links below to access the class details and sign up forms.

Yoga With Sarah McGrath

March 27 @ 1:30 pm - 2:45 pm PDT

Yoga With Sarah McGrath

April 8 @ 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm PDT

Yoga With Sarah McGrath

April 10 @ 1:30 pm - 2:45 pm PDT

Yoga With Sarah McGrath

April 15 @ 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm PDT